Support Personnel
For general issues - Post in the WhatsApp group for a speedy response!
Co-Conveners - Sean Currie and Gillian Mackay
SYG has evolved a lot over the last year in its identity and way of organising. This development was slow at the start but, over time, we picked up a lot of pace, which culminated in the SYG Hackathon in November - a highly successful event in engagement and outputs produced. Progress then continued at a slower pace into the new year, until, over the last few months, when we’ve massively increased engagement and progress building towards AGM.
Here are some observations and lesson:
SYG would benefit greatly from more in-person relationships. Time and money should be dedicated to teambuilding within Council so that it is not just a collection of individuals.
The staff at the party are extremely hard-working, and the Party as a whole tries to support us. However, they do not have the time capacity to support SYG and for this and other reasons, we need to greatly decrease our reliance on the Party so that we can function properly and grow. Obviously, this should not come at the expense of our close relationship.
Events & Fundraising Officer - Alyson Mackay
So what’s new?
Since starting in January it’s all flown by so fast. The main achievements so far:
🌱 Getting comfortable in Council
🌱 Setting up the working groups
🌱 Starting the reconstitution of the SYG
🌱 The AGM - the main focus for the last two months
Excited to do more!
Thoughts of 2020?
We all know this has been a year like no other, but it’s also created new opportunities to learn. From reorganisation to video meetings & we’re only half way. This was my first term with SYG & I’ve learned SO much about event planning, and can’t wait for more! 💚
Elections & Campaigns - Chris McFadyen
It's been a busy year! My pet project this year has been the restructuring of the SYG. These are a sweeping wave of measures designed to make us better equipped in our fight for climate and social justice in the years to come. Here's some things I was involved with:
👉 #SummerSAAS campaign. Special thanks to Amy & Blair for their work on this
👉 Generation Yes relaunch.
👉 A load of silly tweets about landlords and statues.
👉 The SYG hackathon
👉 Every single council meeting, I'm now officially part of the furniture.
👉 Extinction Rebellion in London
Welfare Officer - Amy Smith
No complaints or cases were raised this year through the welfare officer – goes to show what a lovely bunch you all are! Aside from that I got involved in the Summer SAAS campaign working to link up different Sus and NUS.
I was briefly also in the COP26 working group but ended up over- committed so stepped aside from that (and COP got postponed anyway). Other than that some general admin work here and there, and recruited my friend Marie to get involved in SYG!
Secretary - Finn Merchant
My role as secretary is administrative so there are fewer accomplishments as such. I feel my contribution to keeping a record of meetings has enabled us to look back on decisions and know where to head with ideas. Setting up the Google Drive was invaluable and its constant use means having everything in one place is easier for administration. It's not been a great year personally, I have not contributed as much as I could, but I just wanted to say thank you to the team and especially to Sean for stepping up and taking on part of my role when I wasn’t able to fill it.
Treasurer - Christian Gamauf
I was co-opted as treasurer halfway through this council term, after working with Katrina and Sean to work out a formal budget for the Scottish Young Greens. We were able to get an ambitious budget passed which aimed to provide funding for several events and make them as accessible as possible. Moving forward, the treasurer will play an important role in working more closely with the Scottish Green party and to streamline processes and reporting to help the Scottish Young Greens operate more smoothly, particularly in regards to events and fundraising opportunities.
Student Engagement Officer (Ordinary Member) - Katrina Gowans
This year we worked hard with GU Scottish Greens to campaign for Elaine Gallagher for UofG Rector. Sadly the election never took place due to Covid, but the campaign is still ongoing and will be ramping up again in the new academic year. Follow @ElaineForRector to keep updated 🌿
Communications -
Lana Reid-McConnell
As my first year on council, it’s been a pretty decent one! I didn’t originally run for this role but joined about half way into the year. It began with discussing the role with Sean (co-convener) at the FYEG General assembly… This event in itself highlighted the importance of being connected with other young greens and activists in general and what we can learn from others fighting for social and intersectional climate justice. FYEG also supported the hackathon and webinar on housing rights which gave us good comms content.
Our social media platforms (instagram, facebook and twitter) have seen more action this year than they have before it seems… this has been down to an amazing team effort to ensure that we are posting consistent and interesting content! Twitter analytics looking pretty healthy for June 2020…
I think we have been stronger and more radical in our stance on various issues and with that, increased the personality of SYG. Thanks to Sean for encouraging and pushing this! There’s a lot more to learn and a lot more to do to fight the current capitalist, racist, classist, sexist system we’re operating within - harnessing our social media platforms is a great way that we can do this.
We have set up a new website… It’s an exciting thing to have come out of the restructuring conversations and will hopefully open up a lot of opportunities. We have a decent plan in place but time has been tight for the execution in the past couple months.
International - Christian Gamauf
As International Officer, my focus was on work with the Federation of Young European Greens and strengthening our connections to the wider Green family. Going forward, there is lots of potential to exchange ideas and best practice with other members should be a focus as we move towards COP26 and the election next year.
One particular highlight was attending a training session in Brussels with member organisations from across Europe. Chris and I learnt a great deal from the sessions, and getting the chance to connect to activists from across the continent and to learn from their work was hugely valuable.
09:45 - Call Waiting Room Opens
10:00 - Welcome and Opening Speeches
10:15 - Safe Space and Housekeeping
10:30 - Big Energiser
10:45 - Policy Debates and Constitutional Amendments
11:15 - Break (15 mins)
11:30 - Office Bearer Reports
11:45 - Keynote Speaker
12:00 - SYG Internal Election Hustings
13:00 - Lunch (1 hour) - Voting Opens
14:00 - Welcome Back and Breakout Room Clarification - Voting Closes
14:15 - Keynote Speaker
15:00 - Breakout Sessions
16:00 - Break (15 mins)
16:15 - Breakout Sessions
17:15 - Team Energiser
17:30 - Election Results, Final Thoughts and Closing Speech
20:00 - Quiz (Social)
Important Documents
Election to SYG Council
In order to be elected to SYG Council, an SYG member must also be an SGP member. This is because, as the executive body of the SYG, Council has significant authority and access to internal SGP information. For obvious reasons, this should only be shared with other SGP members. Submit your nomination here.
Co-Convenor (x 2)
The main constitutionally defined role in the SYG is the co-convenors. Per the SGP rules regarding representative groups, SYG must have at least one convenor. A maximum of one co-convenor can be a man.
It is also required that the co-convenors belong to two different Local Area Groups to bring geographic balance to the role as well. Where there is no constitutionally recognised Local Area Group in the area a co-convenor comes from, their local Branch of the SGP shall be considered for the purposes of geographic balance as their Local Area Group.
The co-convenors main role is to act as the face of the SYG to both the public and to the SGP. One of the co-convenors shall typically exercise the right to attend and vote at SGP Council on behalf of the SYG. They shall also chair meetings of SYG Council, certain sessions of SYG AGM and any wider meetings of the SYG membership arranged by SYG Council.
The treasurer is responsible for overseeing the financial matters of the Scottish Young Greens. The main responsibilities for this role are to keep records of spending and income across SYG activities, to monitor spending and income to make sure SYG works within its budget, and to work with the treasurer of the SGP to correctly report financial records. Together with the rest of SYG council, you will also work on putting together budget proposals for future activities.
You are not expected to have accounting experience, but an eye for detail and good organising skills are helpful.
The secretary is effectively responsible for the administrative functions of the SYG. They help organise meetings of both SYG Council and the SYG as a whole and ensure accurate records are kept of those meetings. They also take the lead in internal communications, acting as a point of contact for correspondence with members, contacting members (for example in the form of newsletters), and managing internal communications platforms (e.g. Slack). Additionally, they help manage the SYG's membership, including contacting new members.
Welfare Officer
The final constitutionally defined role is the Welfare Officer. Their duty is to ensure that the SYG is a welcoming place for all members, and provide support to any member that has encountered difficulties. This is intrinsically tied to the Safe Space Policy.
They may also be called upon to handle any complaints that arise. The Welfare Officer will have discretion as to how to handle those complaints, as the constitution doesn't set out a specific procedure.
Due to their role in handling complaints, the Welfare Officer may not vote on any recommendations they bring to SYG Council because of a complaint they have investigated. They may otherwise vote as normal.
The Welfare Officer is encouraged to act as the SYG’s representative on The Scottish Green Party’s Complaints and Conduct Committee (CCC). CCC may act as a valuable source of guidance with handling complaints and ensuring the SYG continues to strive to create safe spaces
Elections & Campaigns Officer
As supporting SYG members who are standing for election and running youth-focussed campaigns is one of the main aims of the SYG, the constitution calls for an Elections and Campaigns officer to lead in these areas.
In addition to acting as SYG Council's lead on campaigning matters, they will also hold the SYG's seat on the SGP's Elections and Campaigns Committee (ECC). It's important that the elections and campaigns officer is aware that they hold that seat as a representative of the SYG, and not as an individual. They should therefore, insofar as is possible, seek to keep at least SYG Council up to date with ECC's activities and ensure their work on ECC is aligned with goals set by SYG Council.
Communications (x 2)
As we expand our Communications ambitions, SYG will, for the first time ever, create two Communications Officers, which will both primarily be focused on external communication (i.e. to the wider public), but may also aid the secretary in internal communication (i.e. with members). They will also work with the Elections and Campaigns officer on branding for SYG campaigns.
The two officers will work closely with each other, co-creating a strategy together and working from this. This strategic planning will be supported by the Council as a whole, so no experience in it is necessary. The two communications roles are detailed below:
Website & Content Officer
The Website and Content Officer will focus on making sure the website is kept up-to-date with content. This is a new role and, depending on the skills and interests of the successful candidate, could take more of an IT-based role, while working with others to create content, or a more creative, content-creation-based role, while working with others to manage the mechanics. Or, they could focus on both! Either way, they will work in close contact with the Social Media Officer and the Secretary in a communications cluster.
2. Social Media Officer
The Social Media Officer is the person primarily responsible for communicating on all social media platforms. Currently, these are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but we would love to expand onto other platforms. Importantly, the Social Media Officer does not have to create all content for these platforms, but is responsible for making sure the right content is going up at the right times, as per the communications strategy which they will co-create. Graphic-making experience is a welcome bonus for any potential Social Media Officer, but is absolutely non-essential.
International Officer
The Greens are part of a truly global movement. As a result, the SYG gets the opportunity to attend between two and four international events with other Young Green organisations, principally the Federation of Young European Greens, per year. The main expectation of the International Officer is therefore to be available to travel occasionally. Of course, other officers can attend events with or instead of the International Officer.
The International Officer also serves as SYG's point of contact with these other organisations, acting as a channel for international co-operation and communication. They are generally expected to help organise and welcome other Young Greens to Scotland, help arrange SYG delegations abroad, and help the SYG get involved in the broader Green movement.
Fundraising & Events Officer
The Fundraising & Events Officer is responsible for leading efforts to plan events and raise funds for the SYG. Both of these tasks are carried out by multiple people, and SYG as a whole is likely to aid in the planning of events, but the F&E Officer is the lead facilitator of these efforts. The SYG holds an AGM every year, and has also held events such as a hackathon. The SYG raises funds through fundraising events, but is also seeking to increase funds raised through grants from, for example, European institutions.
Past experience in helping organise events is helpful but not necessary. A willingness to coordinate a small team of organisers and help grow the SYG are a great deal more important.
Ordinary Member (x 2)
The ordinary members are not elected with any specific role but, rather, to help out with any tasks which meet both their interests and the needs of SYG. This is therefore a good role for someone who does not particularly prefer any defined role, and is interested in exploring which areas best fit their interests. They are full voting members on Council.
Sessions Overview
09:45: Call starts
10:00 Welcome and opening speeches
Opening speeches from the outgoing co-convenors, Gillian and Sean, including on what SYG is, where we’ve been, and where we’re going. This session will give an overview of the event, and is not to be missed.
10:15 Safe space and housekeeping
Maybe the most important session of the event. We will discuss how we can make the AGM a safer space, and how we should communicate in this space.
10:30 Big Energiser
10:45 Constitutional amendments
Political with a capital “P”. We will debate and vote on some important proposed amendments to our constitution, and give attendees a better understanding of SYG’s structure.
11:15 Break
11:30 Office bearer reports
You will get a chance to ask office bearers questions.
11:45 Keynote
Scotland’s youngest ever MSP, Ross Greer, will address the AGM with a speech on the work of MSPs during lockdown and what it’s like to be a young MSP in Holyrood.
12:00 Internal elections
You will get the opportunity to elect the new SYG Council! Candidates will each give a 2 minute speech for their position, before answering questions from you, followed by a debate by attendees while candidates are absent.
13:00 Lunch (1 hour) - voting opens
14:00 - Welcome Back and Breakout Room Clarification - Voting Closes
We will welcome you back and clarify how the breakout sessions will operate. Attend this if you don’t want to end up in the wrong parallel session!
14:15 - Keynote Speaker
Kim van Sparrentak, inspiring young MEP and radical activist, will give a keynote speech which will touch on many things including how she became an MEP and what it’s like to be a young female Member of the European Parliament.
15:00 - Breakout Sessions
Green Students
This session offers participants the opportunity to connect with students from other Green university societies and exchange ideas for campaigns and strategies to affect change at their universities.
Climate Activism Towards COP26 (with Antoine Tifine)
The biggest climate conference in the world will be in Glasgow next November. This session will feature guest speaker Antoine Tifine, who is FYEG Co-Spokerson and has previously been active at the Conference of Parties in Paris. We will discuss what COP is, and how activists organise for it, before introducing a discussion on how we, as the Scottish Young Greens, should organise for COP26 in Glasgow.
Building Towards Holyrood
This May, the most important election in the Scottish Green Party’s history will take place. You will learn about the Greens’ current and future plans, as well as their place in parliament. Then, we will discuss how SYG can take part in Holyrood elections, offering you a chance to shape our campaign plans.
Racism in British society (with Aamer Anwar, 4Front, and Positive Action Housing)
The recent murder of George Floyd and growth of the Black Lives Matter movement has created an increased global awareness of racism in the US. But we should not for a moment pretend that racism is not an oppressive force again Black and People of Colour in the UK too.
We will have a discussion with three activists on the frontline of antiracism in different spheres, including lawyer-activist Aamer Anwar, a representative from anti-racist youth organisation 4Front, and a representative from Positive Action in Housing, an anti-racist homelessness and human rights charity.
16:00 - Break (15 mins)
16:15 - Breakout Sessions
Online campaigning and activism
This session will offer participatory training in how we can campaign more effectively online, touching on the use of social media, how to use visual material, and how to plan a campaign online. This is increasingly relevant for all activists, but also increasingly complex. Let’s develop our understanding together, so we can win online.
Activist mental health
Mental health is an important factor in activism, as we are all individuals dealing with multiple commitments whether that be studying, working, and trying to make the world a better place. Our drive to fight for the planet, and the people on it can impact our mental health in many ways. This session will kick start a conversation on how to deal with mental health and how we can look out for others in a time of unprecedented change. We will look at tips and tools already available, and come up with our own to help SYG understand how best to support its activists now and in the future.
The place of direct action in politics (with Climate Camp Scotland)
Direct action is activism that is nonviolent, but illegal. With Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion, this strategy is arguably more mainstream than it has been for decades. Should we, as SYG, take part in direct action? Join us for a debate featuring a speaker from Climate Camp Scotland, an organisation which plans to use illegal direct action to disrupt the fossil fuel industry.
Racism in Scottish society (with Intercultural Youth Scotland and the Anti-Racist Educators)
The recent murder of George Floyd and growth of the Black Lives Matter movement has created an increased global awareness of racism in the US. But we should not for a moment pretend that racism is not an oppressive force again Black and People of Colour in the UK too.
We will have a discussion on racism in Scottish society, with a focus on youth work and education. We will have a representative from the Anti-Racist Educator, a collective of educators of colour who critically challenge racism, and one from Intercultural Youth Scotland, an organisation working in grassroots performing arts and antiracist activism.