Join our National Council
Deadline 20 February. - Apply now
Here’s the updated version with more emphasis on the positions and the other details:
We’re currently looking to fill the following positions:
Second Co-Convener
Two Events Officers
Policy Officer
If you’re passionate about getting involved, even if you’re new to SYG or haven’t been on a committee before, we encourage you to apply! You’ll receive full support throughout the process.
The SYG National Council will select from the candidates to fill the positions. For gender balancing reasons, only one selected person for the vacant positions can be a cis-man.
National Council is the main decision-making body of SYG (other than the AGM). There is absolutely no minimum experience required, and we aim to help Council members improve their skills throughout their mandate. Being on Council is a fantastic way to make a difference for what you believe in, while also developing your own skills and working with like-minded young people. We truly recommend it as a fulfilling and joyful experience!
The main constitutionally defined role in the SYG is the co-convenors. Per the SGP rules regarding representative groups, SYG must have at least one convenor. A maximum of one co-convenor can be a man.
It is also required that the co-convenors belong to two different Local Area Groups to bring geographic balance to the role as well. Where there is no constitutionally recognised Local Area Group in the area a co-convenor comes from, their local Branch of the SGP shall be considered for the purposes of geographic balance as their Local Area Group.
The co-convenors ensure the operation of the Scottish Young Greens Council and act as the face of the SYG to both the public and to the SGP. The co-convenors shall typically exercise the right to attend and vote at SGP Council and SGP Executive on behalf of the SYG. They may also chair meetings of SYG Council, certain sessions of SYG AGM and any wider meetings of the SYG membership arranged by SYG Council.
Policy Officer
The policy officer will have three primary focuses.
Helping create policy focussed campaigns within the SYG.
Working with other Young Greens to draft policy proposals for the Scottish Green Party Conference.
Acting as the SYG representative to the Scottish Green Party Policy Committee.
Events Officer (x2)
The Events Officer is responsible for leading efforts to plan events and raise funds for the SYG. Both of these tasks are carried out by multiple people, and SYG as a whole is likely to aid in the planning of events, but the Events Officer is the lead facilitator of these efforts. The SYG holds an AGM every year, and has also held events such as a hackathon. The SYG raises funds through fundraising events, but is also seeking to increase funds raised through grants from, for example, European institutions.
Past experience in helping organise events is helpful but not necessary. A willingness to coordinate a small team of organisers and help grow the SYG is a great deal more important.