Make Sex Work Work | October Newsletter
Welcome to SYG’s second newsletter. Last month, we told you about our campaign to Make Sex Work Work. This month, we’re continuing the theme with an online event which straddles the Irish Sea like a poorly thought-out Boris Johnson proposal.
Just Transition Webinar Series
Yes that’s right, not just one webinar but an entire series of European collaborations on creating a Just Transition for Scotland. We will speak with Young Greens from Norway, Sweden, and even England & Wales about a range of topics. First up, “Making Sex Work Work” with the Irish Young Greens, as well as guest speakers from Scot-Pep and Sex Workers Alliance Ireland.
What We’ve Done:
SGP Conference
Last weekend many of us attended the Scottish Green Party (SGP) conference and did a great deal of rabble rousing. SYG supported a motion to upgrade the party constitution from anti-capitalist to socialist. Unfortunately, just like capitalism inevitably will, the motion fell - only winning 60% instead of the required 67% to pass. Elsewhere, we supported a successful motion to keep SGP’s position to ban all private schools. We asked the ever-impressive Ross Greer for a quote on this, but inevitably he was too enthusiastic for this we newsletter so you can view it on our website.
What We’re Doing:
Young Green Manifesto
The Scottish Parliament election might seem yonks away, but we’re already working to write a Young Greens manifesto fit for the best youth wing in Scotland. Stay tuned to hear our radical vision for a Greener, better Scotland.
Get Involved:
Write Blogs for SYG
Our Brand Spanking New™ website looks beautiful, but it lacks content from our SYG Community. So, we want to hear from you! You don’t need to be Shakespeare, you just need to have a topic that you care enough about to write a few hundred words, with support from our lovely Comms Officer, Lana.
So, drop us an email at to get started!
SGP is Hiring
Our friends at the Scottish Green Party are looking for two Campaign Support Officers and one Digital Campaign Officer, specialising in video production. Could this be you? The details are linked on the Scottish Green Party website:
Feelgood October:
Evo Morales' Party Return to Power
We've seen it all before. A US-applauded Coup in Latin America throws out a democratically elected President and replaces him with a far-right oppressor who destroys democracy.
Except no.
This month, the leftist party of Evo Morales (Bolivia's first indigenous President) made a sensational comeback, and democratically took back power from the clutches of democratic backsliding. Indigenous rights and the global anti-colonial struggle are stronger for this extraordinary turn-around.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, see you Tuesday!