The Green (Young) Deal | November Newsletter
It’s your favourite young rabble-rousers dropping in with our monthly updates, invites, and opportunities 'n that. We’ve been trying to tear down statues, organising a a four-part webinar series, and preparing a brand new newsletter segment. Yes, yes, we're as excited as you are.
Here's the lowdown.
Workshop - Tomorrow!
Our super successful webinar series ‘A Just Transition for Scotland - Lessons from Europe’ was just the precursor to the main event: Making the Scottish Green Deal Work for Young People.
Come join us to work on ideas for the transition, hear from Lorna Slater and Mark Ruskell, and, as always, have a wee laugh.
GU Greens are BACK, baby
They’ve been one of the most active societies in recent years, and they’re back up and ready for more. If you’re a student at GU, get involved by the form linked here or email their fancy new email address < >
We Hereby Stan...
Marie Stadtler
(Are we using that word right?! Anyway...) Each month we will give a shout-out to someone who's done something we love them for.
This month we stan our International Officer Marie, who has presumably not slept for the past month. Marie and the prep team have organised all four webinars in the past month and tomorrow's workshop.
Please show your appreciation for Marie and the team... by coming to the workshop tomorrow!
New Blog
Putting all jokes aside for a moment, this month we featured a guest article entitled ‘The Death of Mercy Baguma Calls for Radical Changes to the UK’s Asylum System’. Written by Holly Barrow from the Immigration Advice Service, this makes for important reading. Read it on the website.
Decolonise UWS
For black history month, UWS Greens led a campaign to remove the statue of slave owner John Witherspoon and rename the Witherspoon building. We can’t rewrite history, but we can certainly avoid honouring its most evil characters.
Yes yes we know, the campaign was in October, but sometimes we make mistakes, okay?
Get paid to use memes
Do you have “fluency in emojis, memes, GIFs and pop culture references.”* If yes, please teach us how to be cool. Also, our friends at the European Green Party have F I V E vacancies in communications requiring different skill and experience levels.
*Yes one of the job descriptions really does say that
Feelgood November:
Yes sir, I can boogie get free period products
Scotland made the Euros AND became the first country in the world to make period products free in the same month that Trump got dragged out of office. Oh yeah, and a vaccine *might* be on the way. We decided not to boil anything down to one story this month.