Call for COP26 Group | February Newsletter
Welcome back to the SYG newsletter! This week we have a mix of opportunities, announcements, and the usual terrible patter.
Read to the end for a Brussels-based internship that we have history with.
We need you!
As climate breakdown accelerates, the world's biggest climate conference will come to our doorstep. This is a huge opportunity for us to be on the frontline, demanding action.
It is essential that we can amplify the voices that are marginalised in these conferences, and that is why we are launching the COP26 working group. We need people who are passionate about climate justice and want to learn new skills as part of a team of activists, organising for change.
Is this you?
🔥 Apply now 🔥
Join us there to stay in the loop
Exciting news! We've been using Slack to work on for years, but we've now set it up to be a mixture of work and blethering. Think of it as like a hipster café, but with better patter and more shitposting about Prince Charles (big up, Ewan).
We've put a lot of work into making the space accessible and interesting. Join us on Slack to stay in the loop, take part in some excellent patter, and support SYG as we try to be more inclusive.
Want to join?
Drop an email to
You new Co-convenor is…
SYG Council is excited to announce Bea Anderson as your new Co-convenor! [Pause for rapturous applause and whooping]
We want to thank all applicants for their impressive applications, we are continually astounded by the depth of skills in our organisation.
New Committee elected
On Sunday, Glasgow & West Young Greens elected their new committee! Congratulations to all the successful candidates, we're excited to work with you:
Co-convenors: Blair Anderson & Ellie Gomersall
Secretary: Catherine Anderson
Treasurer: Ryan Kelly
Ordinary members: Athol Bond & Hannah O'Sullivan
Alison Johnstone
After 5 years of tireless campaigning and a Green Party petition gathered over 22,000 signatures, MSP Alison Johnstone has successfully forced the Scottish Government to make mountain hares a protected species.
This is not only a landmark win for Scotland's wildlife but also a demonstration of the power that grassroots activists and the Greens can have together.
Communications intern @ Green European Foundation
A few months ago we shared an internship for our friends at the Green European Foundation (GEF). Well, our Co-convenor Chris got that position and moved to Brussels [pause for light applause]. What's more, he is now moving on to become Communications Officer at the Federation of Young European Greens [pause for rapturous applause and whooping].
So things have come full circle, and GEF is now looking for a new intern. To help SYG maintain our stranglehold on the Brussels bubble, apply ASAP below (like, really, the deadline is 5pm tonight).
Apply here
Photo of the European Parliament in Strasbourg by Frederic Köberl on Unsplash.
Far-right Fidesz kicked out of European People’s Party.
We guess you've heard that the Greens are on course to elect a record number of MSPs. [Pause for literal screaming] But we like to bring you good news that you *might* not have heard about.
So, entertain yourselves with the fact that Hungary's far-right ruling party, Fidesz, has been kicked out of the European People's Party. This might seem niche, but Fidesz not being part of Europe's most powerful political party means that they are more vulnerable to scrutiny and sanctions.
This is a small but important win for European activists fighting for democracy and human rights.