Call for Co-convenor | January Newsletter
What do Fatboy Slim, Parisian courts, and intersectional feminism have in common? They're all featured in our monthly newsletter. Check it out below!
Co-convenor applications open
Current Co-convenor Chris. Photo by Christian Gamauf.
Are you keen to improve your skills, have a greater impact, and work with like-minded changemakers? If you're female or non-binary, you could be our next Co-convenor. This huge opportunity has opened up after Blair Tee Henney sadly had to step down for personal reasons. Since you'll be working with an experienced team and Co-convenor, there is no experience required.
Your main role is to act as the face of the SYG to both the public and to the Scottish Green Party (SGP). One of you or Chris has the chance to attend and vote at SGP Executive on behalf of the SYG, and both of you will get the opportunity to attend the SGP council. With Chris, you’ll be co-responsible for the general operation of the Scottish Young Greens, chairing meetings of SYG Council, certain sessions of SYG AGM and some wider meetings of the SYG membership arranged by SYG Council.
Any questions❓Don’t hesitate to email Chris:
In the role, you’ll have the freedom to work with other Council members on projects that interest YOU!
If you’re keen to play a big role in a huge year for Scottish politics, all you have to do is:
1️⃣ Fill out the form below
2️⃣ That’s it!
3️⃣ Really, why are still reading this?
Council will review submissions and respond to all applicants.
Deadline: Thursday February 18th
Apply Now
SYG Elections & Campaigns Team
The Holyrood campaign is moving online, which makes the work of SYG even more important.
Step forward Ewan Smith and a fierce team of digital campaigners, who are consistently churning out hot content to make sure this is our most successful election ever. In case you've been hiding under a rock this year (we don't blame you), you can get a taste of what is to come on our Twitter.
P.S. both our working groups are still accepting new members - read more here.
Event on intersectional feminism
In what is the hottest collab since Fatboy Slim remixed a Gretha Thunberg speech (Google it), our pals at the Rainbow Greens & Women's Network are co-hosting an event this month. The event on intersectional feminism will take place on February 21st, with guest speaker Jenny Wartnaby.
FYEG Working Group
Our friends at FYEG have launched a call for members of their Democracy & Inclusion Working Group. FYEG is a an alazing organisation of which we are a proud and active member. If you get active in their network, you won’t regret it. You can read more here.
While we're on FYEG, we wanted to give you the chance to check out the conclusion of their Green Recovery project - featuring one familiar face from the Scottish Greens.
Smash the patriarchy
Time: 11th February, 7pm
Platform: Zoom
Young Green Women are back! Join us for our first meeting in 2021 and find community among our group of young women from all over Scotland. After all, the patriarchy won't smash itself. This meeting is open to anyone who identifies as a woman or feels that this is a space they would feel comfortable in or benefit from. To keep the meeting a safe space, please register in advance.
Glasgow AGM
If you're in Glasgow and looking to get more involved in Green activism, add Sunday February 28th to your calendar, and click "going" on the Facebook event. The AGM will include hearing from the outgoing committee, electing a new one, and looking forward to Holyrood. And of course, there will an informal catch-up afterwards.
Landmark Court Victory in France
Photo of climate justice activists by Vincent M.A. Janssen
While writing out the words you’ve just read, a news story broke from Paris that could hold serious hope for climate activists around the world. A Paris court has ordered the French state to pay a symbolic sum of one euro for failing to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
The ruling came after a group of NGOs filed a complaint against the French state, supported by two million citizens. This comes after a 14 year-old boy with a microphone embarrassed President Macron by calling out his shite (not exactly his words).
The ruling alone won’t solve the climate emergency, but it is an enormous symbolic win for grassroots activists. From polling booths to street corners; from Twitter threads to Fatboy Slim tracks; climate activists are growing in number and in power. SYG is one small part of that in our small country, and we won’t stop any time soon.